Monday, March 04, 2013

I'm back! and McRuffy will rock your world!

So I know it's been  a while... I guess I just don't have much time these days... Well I might as well start with an update. My Godson is now 4 and we started homeschooling him this year. It's been an exciting journey! He is now reading up a storm and learning so much that at times I even have trouble keeping up with his progress. He love Math and Science, personally I think I better be careful or we may end up blowing up my kitchen one of these days. My husband, Kevin, thinks I'm crazy but that's nothing new. I just kindly remind him that I never tried to hide that from him before we got married. LOL

So I decided, recently, that I would re-purpose this blog and make it useful again. As I journey through this homeschooling adventure with my little buddy, I thought it would be useful to tell people about the programs I use and whether or not I find them useful or particularly successful. So as I stated previously, my little pal has had great success with reading. So let me tell you what we use and where you can find it.

I use McRuffy SE Kindergarten Phonics program and you can find it at . This program has completely blown my mind. It starts out slow and easy so your child develops confidence and then before you know it they are reading and you are thinking "Wow, when did that happen??" It is also fun. My Godson says it is one of his favorite parts of school, sitting down to do McRuffy. I had started with Alpha Omega's Language Arts LifePac because someone had given me a copy and I though Language Arts is Language Arts but it was such a fight to even get him to sit down to do it that in the end I went hunting for something better and that is when I found McRuffy. Trust me and give it a try! 

PS I am not knocking Alpha and Omega, My Godson loves their History/Geography and their Science Lifepac... the Language Arts one was just a challenge for him.

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