Friday, April 18, 2008

Ok ... so shoot me... I now it's been forever... life just happens. Anyway So wedding plans are coming a long quite nicely. Invitations are out ... well almost, there are a couple stragglers. The dresses are ordered... mine is almost ready. Church is booked, hall is booked, working on flowers and food right now. So all in all its going well. Graduation and the finishing of school is just a week and a bit away. Choir tour fast approaches again. I for one am very excited about this. The Habs have made it to the playoffs so ... all is right with the world.

Kevin got a new job, he's working at Dairy Queen and applying for school in the fall. So that is where we stand right now. I know it's been 3 months and all the news I have for you fits in a paragraph and a half. It's crazy because I've been so busy but yet I have nothing really exciting to report. So i'll move on to more important matters. I have decided to add to the end of every post prayer praises and prayer requests. So here are my first ones:

Prayer Praises:
School is out. We made it through another season, another year and come out relatively unscathed. Shyann and Brandon are doing well, and the wedding plans are coming together nicely. Kevin has a new job.

Prayer Concerns:
My Nana is waiting to hear about surgery, I pray for safety, that God will guide the doctors. That God will relieve her of her pain and that if it is possible it will not stop her from being able to come to the wedding, but if it does that God grants her peace and understanding that her health is more important and that even though she may not be there in person she is always there, in my heart. I also pray that I will be able to find work quickly following graduation.

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