Saturday, December 01, 2007

OK ... So it's December now...

So it's December and I don't even remember where November went... Exams are coming up... essays are due... and I've never been so far behind so I am going to keep this post short!

Kevin has an apartment now ... in Charlottetown... I'm still working on that license and the world moves on! But before I do I need to address an issue ... If anyone has an issue with me about anything ... would you mind coming to me and talking about it rather then talking to others who will lecture me about the problem you have without all the facts... it just bugs me when someone is to much of a coward to come and talk to me when they have a problem. I will also try to do you all the same courtesy.

P.S. If I stop talking to you over the next couple of weeks it's not because I hate you am mad at you ... it's mostly because I'm busy and anything I say may be complaining and I am sure you are all sick of hearing how far I am behind... so I will leave you now so I can go work on catching up.

Love you all!

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