Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So I like everyone else joined facebook a while ago. I think it is the awesomist thing ever. A tad on the stocker side but cool. What I mean by this is it always tells you what all your friends are doing all the time and who they are friends with. LOL But hey, All in all, it is doing its job in allowing me to reconnect with people I haven't seen in years. In fact it is doing such a good job that some of the people from my elementary school have started adding me as friends.

I think its really cool that I appear to have so many friends but this also made me start thinking. How many of these people are truly my friends.... I mean I had someone add me two weeks ago that hasn't spoken to me since high school and the last thing she said to me wasn't anything you would say to someone you want to talk to... And then there's this guy who really just plan gets on my nerves...

Which leads me to the point of this post and the true question. What do you do when someone who isn't a friend adds you on facebook (or any similar sight for that matter) do you accept them to reject them? I mean what is the Christian thing to do? Jesus says to love everyone but what about those who don't care about you... what about those who are just looking for numbers and apparent popularity? What would you do? Accept or reject??? ...

I have decided to accept... maybe I can get to know them now and we can be friends.

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