Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Trouble sleeping?

I know I am... I don't know what's up lately... I just can't seem to sleep. Usually this only happens to me when I'm not busy because I have nothing to do to make me tired but know I am busy beyond belief but yet it has once again happened... it is 2:45 AM and I am still laying here wondering why I can not fall asleep and think if I don't go to sleep soon I will not get up early enough in the morning to get everything I need to get done done. But I know you have all been there, right.

So I decided since I'm up I might as well do something productive with my time... yes blogging is productive, in my mind it is updating you... my friends... or whoever reads this ... (I wish there was a little thingy that would tell me who has viewed this page ... or at least if anyone has viewed it ... anyway)

The update ... yeah that's where I was... Kevin has now officially moved to the Island, he had a job interview today and we are on the hunt for an apartment for him for the first of the month provided he gets the job... its so exciting! I'm keeping nice and busy this semester ... I am taking 5 and 1/2 courses and drivers training, along with an internship at Cornwall Christian Church and ... I got a job... well sort of... I am babysitting a friends kids when she is working... I am having so much fun and best of all Exalt is fast approaching! I can't wait ... Exalt is always one of the awesomest parts of the school year and this year will be no exception. Especially with the speaker being none other than JIM MIDGET... this is going to be so much fun.

So I guess thats all for now ... if there is anything you are wishing to know about in my life ... post a question it might end up being a blog rant LOL ...

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