Monday, October 01, 2007


Lately I've come across something I can't stand... ok most people who know me don't know very much about my life. This is most certainly my fault and the reason for this is there are just some things I don't like to talk about. But alas the time has come where I must tell you all something about me. I hate lies. (*warning:this blog gets serious and kinda personal here so if you don't wanna know... don't read it)

Growing up the only thing my parents were good at was lying, whether it was to me, to each other or just to the world it didn't matter. They did not and for the most part still don't have the ability to tell the truth. So as a girl who grew up surrounded by lies I obviously can't stand them. Now I understand the not wanting to tell someone something, that is withholding information. This I can deal with, in fact it's something I do daily. I don't tell everyone everything and I don't expect them to tell me anything. But when I ask a question I expect an honest answer and anyone who calls me their friend and can look me in the eyes and lie to me I want to let you all know something now. You can consider it fair warning.

If you purposely lie to my face or cannot promise me you will not lie to me... I will not consider you my friend. Now I want you to understand that if you tell me something and at the time it is true but later it's not because you changed your mind or what not ... to me that is NOT a lie. But when you know something is true and you tell me its not or if you tell me something you know is not true that is a LIE! Because I hate lying so much I try my best to avoid asking personal questions... but if I ever do or if there is a question that you are tempted to lie to me ... think twice ... instead don't answer or better yet tell me its none of my business or come right out and say "I could lie to you or you can walk away with out the answer!" I totally prefer this!

So that is my rant of the day. And Please don't lie to me... I've already had my share of lies for a lifetime be different tell me the truth! That will make me smile!

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