So last week I went home for march break it was a blast. I got to hang out with my Best friend Michelle and her guy Brad and my Kevin. (YAY) I also got to spend some time with the kids, and there was a spring fling at the church. I got to hang out with my Nana, and I had breakfast with Jessica. Overall it was a busy but awesome week. ANd I took the kids to get their pictures done.

Every week that is good always has it's downsides though so I have a nice long prayerlist to go along with the most amazing week and then I have pictures ... yes that's right I said pictures.
SO Prayerlist: My great-Aunt Thersea is in the hospital and they don't expect her to make it through the week. She is my Papa's sister so prayers for her and her family are appreciated.
My Uncle Gary (in Calgary) threw out his back this week and his wife is seriously ill they are doing tests and have no idea what is wrong. So prayers for them and their daughter Sarah would also be appreciated. My Uncle Robert and his Family are also going through a rough patch so they can use all the prayers they can get. And my Mom threw out her back again this week so once again I ask for prayers for her. And Kevin has lost his job and is back in the searching game once more.
On the good side of the prayer list... Adina had her baby. A little girls her name is Jessica and I will post a picture of her as soon as Dad sends me one. But I believe prayers of thanksgiving are in order Mom and baby and big bro Andrew are all in good health and are adjusting beautifully.
Now on to the fun part Pictures from the nights out(For more see my piczo sometime next week:
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