Thursday, February 15, 2007

Been a while ...

Sorry about that, been crazy busy around here. School is overwhelming sometimes... but we are all recovering from being quite sick and now we get to try to have some fun. Kev is coming over on Saturday night. I can't wait! Valentines was this week. Happy B-day to Katherine who just turned 19. I'm finally getting caught up with my school work. That pretty much it for Island life ... to know about last week at the college read Nathan's blog he sums it up quite nicely. :D

I guess there have been some changes back home and I ask that you would all keep the Nicholsons and DA in prayer as David will no longer be filling the position of minister. Nick Barfoot had major surgery last week and is still recovering and would appreciate prayer as well. That's all the update I have for know... more to follow as soon as I am fully caught up.

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